Monday, September 15, 2008

I've won an Award

It's Just My Thoughts has nominated me for a Brillante Weblog award. I'm honored. Please, check out her website at and her jewelry site at Positively

And now I get to nominate a few great blogs. Here's my nominees:
1. Catherinette Rings
2. Chronic Chick Talk
3. Kiss My Style
4. Michon Jewelry
5. Simply Shiny- The Shiny Adornments Blog

Here is all you need to do, my nominees!

Here are the instructions for the following Brillante Weblog Premio award recipients:

1. Place the logo on your blog.

2. Link to the person who awarded you.

3. You can nominate up to 5 blogs.

4. You can then add their links to your blog.

5. Leave a message in the comment section to each nominee on their blog.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the award, much appreciated. I will post it when I'm feeling better, at the momment feeling like I'm burning the candle at both ends. I tend to do that then crash, side effect of LUpus. Your jewelry is very beautiful.

Chronic Chick Talk

Meg said...

awww thank you!!! <3